Factors Impacting Cloud Adoption for Businesses

Cloud Computing is the new normal for businesses of all scales, across varied industrial gamuts. Today it is one of the most rapidly growing technologies in the commercial sector; being adopted readily across the board.

Also, the impacts of pandemic COVID19 are anticipated to stay through the year 2021. The businesses across the globe are going to incline towards CLOUD on account of the various paybacks it offers like scalability, accessibility, flexibility & security.

Here we have brought in your notice the compelling factors for any business in any industry to take up a timely adoption of cloud tech to stay competitive and sustaining even in the times of crises like pandemic.       

There are various reasons why cloud adopting is the go-to IT solution for enterprises of all sizes. Cost optimization guaranteed high performance, scalable, shared resources; mobility, low costs, scalability, and a myriad of other reasons have witnessed the rapid adoption of this technology. 

What are the factors that affect the adoption of cloud computing by businesses?

The factors are broadly divided into three types:

  1. Technology
  2. Organization 
  3. Environment

Let us understand these three factors from a broader perspective.

1.    Technology – sub-factors are
  • Security – security concerns are is the major issue faced by decision-makers in the commercial setup. Cloud computing, as is known, is deployed in different models – a hybrid, public, and private clouds. The service models are SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. The characteristic types of services available are – on-demand, self-service, broad network access, measured services, rapid elasticity, and resource pooling. 
    Amongst all these service types, SaaS comes with the least control of the customer over the system and IaaS offers maximum control to enterprises. All these models have different levels of vulnerabilities – in IaaS, it is the customer who is responsible for security measures; in SaaS and PaaS, it is the service provider’s responsibility. The latter two are more popular compared to the former in terms of adaptability amongst customers since the security responsibilities are lesser and they prove to be cost-effective.
    With the growing malice and harmful intent of cyber criminals like viruses, hackers, and spam, the need to address gaps and vulnerabilities by service providers is one of the main issues. Data security is of prime importance leading to increased costs. Enterprises need to carry out a risk assessment of the cloud service provider before making a decision.
  • Reliability – transparency in the infrastructure is another factor and users need to assess before choosing a service provider. It is vital to check the audit records of the provider. These audits should be carried out by third-party independent and outsourced vendors – those who are regulated by the central agencies.
    Users also need to keep a watch over technological changes and advancements to keep the system aligned with the evolving technology.
  • On-demand services – Most service providers offer cloud computing as an on-demand service where end users can request specific services as per their requirements. There is no human interaction in this case. 
    The cloud developers must use appropriate architectural designing to offer differently-layered hardware and structure; backed by an adaptable and effective service system.
  • Maintenance – Maintenance of cloud data needs to comply with data governance and risk management. Maintenance is critical, especially in the public cloud, compliant with best practices and offering visibility in the workflows.
  • User-friendliness – Cloud computing solutions need to have user-friendly interfaces – hardware and software. The UI should offer easy and quick access, have simple features, is well-organized and clean, is intuitive and reliable.
2.    Organization
  • Cost virtualization – A virtual version is the creation of a virtual hardware or software entity rather than the actual version of the resource. Virtualization helps different machines, apps, and operating systems to run on the hardware, making it more flexible and efficient. Multiple customers and organizations can use a resource, thanks to virtualization. This technology helps in the execution of apps fast while offering memory, storage, and networking solutions. For organizations, low IT costs, disaster recovery, remote access, improved productivity, and more such benefits.
  • Managerial support – The top management needs to be aligned with the implementation of cloud computing for facilitating the enterprise to carry out the work. Gaining management approval is critical to ensure that the benefits of cloud services are optimally derived by the organization.
  • Supplier Availability – is again divided into two aspects – (i) availability of suppliers whenever organizations require cloud services; and, (ii) there should be suppliers available for after-sale support. Organizations need to consider that there are enough suppliers available on either condition so that it is easy and convenient to compare the services of the service providers.
  • Customization – cloud computing services should be customizable as per the needs of the business. If your service provider is unable to offer personalized services, you would need to reconsider either the solution or the service provider. For example, things like security and access levels should be considered for customization – the non-sensitive data can be put in the public cloud; and, sensitive data in private cloud.
3.    Environment
  • Legislation and regulations – There are various legalities involved that service providers of cloud computing solutions need to address effectively. There are state laws, federal laws and international laws. Your service provider needs to ensure compliance to all regulatory aspects and also meet industry-specific regulations. For example, banks and the payment industry need to ensure compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards or PCI DSS for data security and privacy.
    A recent study by Deloitte University Press has declared that about 44 zettabytes of data will be enclosed digitally through cloud, which is about 1 billion terabytes of data to contain.

The AI is being embedded with cloud through deep learning algorithms in coming times that makes it easier to identify patterns, making predictions and seamless automation. The businesses across the globe are going to get huge benefits of cloud computing that is going to appear through year2020. The cognitive computing APIs, virtual assistants and the AI infused IoT are going to change the game. You can put your business on a fast track mode right away through iBoss cloud computing services.

Contact at info@scalong.com.