Disaster Recovery Services -iBoss


The client belongs to the insurance domain and was dissatisfied with its legacy data recovery solution as it was highly cumbersome and unreliable which would lead to a downtime for the client of approximately 24 hours. The client has offices in multiple locations across the USA and Canada and required a solution that is easy to use. Additionally, to expand the business and increase customer base, they were required to sign agreements with their partners that ensured that the recovery time objective for their sites was no more than 4 hours along with 5 minutes of recovery point objective. With these requirements the client contacted scalong.

Our Approach

Based on the requirements shared by the client, scalong worked out the best strategy to ensure all requirements were taken care of.

  1. We started off by providing consultation to the client by understanding their business and operations to provide the ideal solution to achieve the target of reduction of recovery time.
  2. Next, we assisted the client in identifying the ideal number of assets that we required to achieve and set up the client’s DR environment.
  3. We assisted the client in optimizing their codes by identifying static entries in the code, web servers, and database connections and replacing them with dynamic entries.
  4. Once the entire environment had been optimized, we actively participated in deploying the DR site for the client.
  5. Next, we created test plans and test cases to ensure a throughout testing can be done of the entire environment before DR live testing was taken up.
  6. Only after sufficient testing and satisfactory results was the DR site up and handed over to the client.

In this manner, all requirements were fulfilled for the client, and the solution was implemented by scalong which led to a reduction in RTO by almost 85% enabling the client to expand the business and enter business expansion partnerships.