Chatbots: Helping Organizations navigate safely through Pandemic 2021 and beyond !

Chatbot technology is in the rage nowadays owing to the outbreak of Covid-19. Chatbot technology is correlated with Artificial Intelligence. Consequently, these programs are efficient and logical enough to respond to spoken or written language. Almost all kinds of chatbots operate on machine learning that can undergo several advancements and improvements with time. For decades, face-to-face meetings and direct communication have dominated the business world. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the ways of communication are governed by the internet. With the advent of Natural Language Processing, mocking text issues and human-generated language is becoming easier. 

Chatbot technology help businesses navigating through Pandemic-

Enhancing consumer experience

Owing to coronavirus, most businesses are switching to AI and Machine Learning tools for driving business communications. The chatbots can help deliver customized solutions and user experience for establishing a positive relationship with a consumer. With time, they will imitate humans perfectly; thus, they can increase consumer loyalty. They can help ensure more consumer satisfaction by obtaining positive feedback. 

Increasing brand awareness

Due to the norms of social distancing, more businesses are switching towards messaging platforms that are integrated with Chatbot technology. It is the basic driver of growth observed in the Chatbot industry. Consequently, the messaging platforms combined with Chatbot can be used for increasing brand awareness. Such platforms are a vital tool for the generation of sales and leads. They can be used for engaging consumers and providing them additional support.

The trend of the voice bots

Businesses are dependent on the messaging platforms that offer voice and text-based Chatbots due to increased virtual communication needs. They can help companies to engage effectively with their audience. Chatbots can help businesses to provide personalized services to their consumer by understanding their preferences. As a result, this technology can minimize the difference arising due to the communication gap, which can cause a deviation in services provided and consumer preferences. 

Vital for business operations in the current pandemic

The function of chatbots isn’t confined to the creation of personalized experiences for consumers anymore. They can affect the management of marketing campaigns created by businesses. The technology can change the methods in which leads can be generated. Besides, Chatbot technologies can automate payment methods. A survey result claims that over sixty-seven percent of millennials love purchasing stuff from companies with chatbots integrated within their business’s websites. 

Streamline the internal operations

As mentioned above, the role of chatbots can go far beyond a program that helps create personalized experiences for online consumers. As businesses are compelled to discard the ongoing trend of face-to-face meetings or direct communication, chatbots have become an important tool for enabling transparent communication among teams within an organization. Besides, this technology can be used for honing the roles performed by a company’s HR. The chatbots can be help employees during the onboarding procedure. For example, they can perform various functions like introducing the new employees to the protocols and policies of the new company. They can help HR while screening field questions and recording employee’s answers. IT department can use the technology to solve the basic IT queries of its employees. 

The business can ensure the efficiency of its core business process via the Chatbot technology

Chatbot technologies are more likely to witness some of the new era’s basic and advanced transformational changes. A majority of the key business procedures can be incorporated with the updated and new chatbots. The common business processes that Chatbots are capable to update are as follows:

  • Prediction of consumer behavior 
  • The automation of several business operations
  • Recommendation of services and products
  • Personalization and creation of consumer support and experiences

   Use of insights

Businesses willing to keep an eye on consumers’ experiences and behavior can’t cut it without chatbots or AI integration. The chatbots can help gather and combine consumer feedback to upgrade chatbots with humane behavior. 

Chatbots can be used in day-to-day life.

Owing to the evolution in Chatbot technologies, it is more likely that our day-to-day activities will revolve around chatbots. Individuals can use it to add more discipline to one’s fitness routine and e-learning schedules. 

The scalong Chatots transforming the organizational growth charts-

The chatbots developed at scalong are helping the service industry to magnify the better experience for their customer and users. They

  • Handle a huge number of customer requests in a jiffy
  • Handle repetitive requests     
  • Identify the mode of interaction of the customers too (mobile, website chat, messenger etc)
  • Generate useful insights to keep track of customer behavior
  • Encourage touch less culture in Pandemic
  • Enhance the customer experience driving customer loyalty 

If there is any right time to adapt to digital assistants and chatbots, it is NOW.


As more business activities tend to move towards remote work and virtual meetings, these chatbots can help create personalized consumer experiences. Besides, they can help streamline business operations and communication.