QA & Testing

Liberating businesses beyond man-made or natural crises.

Boost your development initiatives with Quality Assurance Services

With today’s cost pressures and shifting demands of rapidly advancing technology. We deliver solutions with confidence of quality assurance. We work to ensure that applications, systems and services are fit for purpose, work seamlessly and support the organisation’s transformational objectives. 


Improve software quality and provide a superior Customer Experience

Save Money.
Increase Profitability.
Prevent Catastrophic Corporate Emergencies.
Boost Customer Satisfaction.
Maintaining Great User Experience.
Improve Efficiency & Productivity.

Our QA & Testing Offerings

Our QA & Testing services can help your business plan and execute a quality assurance & testing strategy. We have extensive experience in wide areas of QA & Testing like developing a QA strategy, quality testing practices and procedures, and reusable test plans and artifacts. We can assist your business in the onshore/offshore decision-making process, based on your individual needs, for optimal performance and results. 

Plug & Play
Zero waiting time
User Friendly
Multi Language
Transform The Workflows And Processes With Our Digitization and Digitalization services.

Automate the manual processes and save time & costs

Automation & Artificial Intelligence are quintessential part of any business organization today.
With solutions like chatbot for business, start more engaging conversations, increase the engagement for business growth, build better customer relationships and instantly handle multiple customer queries with no errors.

Our offerings

Streamline & enhance the processes in your organization to reach the highest business potential.
Imaging Solutions

Digitize physical documents and reduce paper dependency.

  • Extract information from physical documents using AI to reduce chaos and boost productivity and enable workflows.
  • Train models with OCR and Deep learning capabilities.
Chatbot Development
  • Engage customers using AI based Chatbots
  • An intelligent AI based Chatbot that can exhibit human-like behaviour
  • Aligns with your business needs and is highly scalable, unique and has ownership
  • High performance will be the ideal solution for:
  • Customer’s engagement
  • Gathering product feedback
  • Addressing product complaints and
  • Answering queries on products
RPA & BI Solutions
  • Process & workflow Automation
  • Business Intelligence Consulting
  • Business Intelligence Implementation Services

Our Exclusive Traits

Over 15 Years of Experience
Team of 150+ Engineers, Project Managers & Marketers
1.5+ Million Development Hours
90% Client Retention
Save 60-70% of Development Time
24/7 Technical Support
ISMS Processes & Data Security
Result Oriented Approach
OCR, NLP & NER Capabilities
Custom UI
Ability to Handle structured & unstructured data
Multi-Lingual Capabilities

Automate with iBoss

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